Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm too sexy for my job--Seriously?

Originally posted in my other blog on May 24 2012

Lauren Odes of New York was fired because apparently her boobs were a huge distraction, but the funny thing is that she was hired at a production assistant at a Manhattan lingerie distributor, according to

Odes accuses her former employers of firing her for not conforming to the religious structures her managers were forcing on her. She says religious because management is Jewish Orthodox. which is weird because Odes is Jewish too, but was still forced to wear some hideous over sized sweater to hide her figure, a bright ugly red robe when she “didn’t comply” again, and was even told to tape down her breasts.

Her Co workers laughed when she wore the bathrobe, (and everyone declined to comment) so she left to shop for something more to their liking, and that’s when she was fired. So now she’s suing.
Her Lawyer? Attention-starving celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred, who was coincidentally hired in 2010 for the same case with the firing of Debrahlee Lorenzana from Citibank for being too hot.

Lorenzana now says she regrets hiring Allred because she’s only around when the paparazzi is. Citibank never settled with her, and she feels bad for Odes because with Allred, she knows she won’t win.
It’s happened to all of us. Well, most of us. It’s happened to me at work. The Annoying Boss–in My case it’s the kiss ass Assistant to the Assistant Manager– taking me to the stock room and telling me my outfit is inappropriate for work, showing too much leg or boob or whatever, but we are supposed to be promoting fashion and accessories.

My coworkers and I think it’s because she’s jealous, she’s in her very late 50s and works with a bunch of hot 19 year olds. Times are changing and having an iPhone doesn’t hide the fact that she reminds me of a spinster with cats and all.

she’s constantly pissing all of my coworkers off, but what can we do? She’s good in corporate’s eyes, even though she’s the store’s succubus. which store? I’ll never tell!

Anyways, my coworker got a verbal warning one day from her because her dress was too tight and short. She threw me under the bus saying that my outfit was worse than hers. I protested, but just to be a bitch, she slapped me with a verbal warning too, even though I was wearing an outfit I’d worn three times before with her and the actual Assistant Manager, and he never said a word. So just to see if he would, I waited about two months before wearing it again and I was right, the verbal warning was just because I was ratted out by my bitchy coworker who I’ve always gotten a bad vibe from. It’s always the women that complain about it.

In general, we shouldn’t be fired for being too sexy. If all women were fired for that, the world would have no celebrities at all! can you imagine? Even in the stone ages, there were drawings of women, probably hot to them at the time.

I know the other argument that if a woman is a boss, she’s a bitch, not as respected and has to constantly prove herself to the rest of her staff, whereas men who are bosses are respected and promoted faster. Just acknowledging the argument for argument’s sake.

This got me thinking about the hit ABC show, Ugly Betty. Yes, her appearance is..unique to say the least, but she’s optimistic and friendly. She knows nothing about fashion and was hired at a major fashion magazine because of her unique looks. Her boss thought a “regular” looking girl would get more work done. Reverse discrimination.

It sucks but we live in a world where looks matter, you’re either genetically gifted or you’re not. Either way, you’re punished for your physical appearance

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