Thursday, July 19, 2012

Barbies and Bullies

Originally posted in my other blog on April 20 2011

There’s been alot of talk in the media today about eating disorders among girls. Maybe it’s because summer is comming up that girls everywhere feel as if the pressure to be thin is resulting in eating disorders.. I don’t know.

Young girls everywhere all say the same thing when they look at any barbie doll; “she’s pretty.” and why wouldn’t she be? she’s got the long blonde hair, blue eyes and a figure that all women would envy.
So this girl, Galia Slayen, is getting attention nationwide becuase of her life-size home made Barbie which stands at 6 ft tall, with a 33 inch bust and 33 in hips, and I certainly wouldn’t want to look like that. she made it for eating disorder awareness. I agree with her, it’s alot of factors in the environment of a girl growing up that contribute to it. (I.E, The padded bikini tops for girls 6 and up)

Another famous girl making headlines for battling the disorder is one of my favorite Disney singers (I don’t have many) Demi Lovato. She was in rehab last year for 3 months after she admitted to cutting herself growing up as she faced her bullies. She said when she asked them why they were mean to her, they said “well, you’re fat.”

It’s a shame to see such a young and very talented girl (who’s my age!!) feel the way she did. Now that Demi’s out of rehab, she’s leaving her disney show “Sonny with a chance” and focussing on her music career becuase being infront of a camera would make her nurvous. I wonder if bullies know how much their words hurt, like seep into our skin and seared into our memories.

 I wonder if they care.

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