Thursday, July 19, 2012

I interviewed my sociology professor!

I actually recorded this entire thing on video, but we got off topic and some things that he prefers to be off the record were said, so here's the written part for the school blog, and for the record it was such a fun class, I was sad when it ended. I still got a B overall and an A on my paper on why laughter is the best medicine: (where I talked about southpark's gay fish episode!)

Humanities are required credits to graduating Broward College, so why not take a couple of humanities classes with a professor that makes the entire subject interesting and fun? Professor Jay Schwarz is able to make Sociology, human sexuality, social problems and social institutions more interesting than the name it has. The courses explain people, culture, relationships and why habits form the way they do. Professor Schwarz graduated with a Masters degree from Norwich University in Vermont and is the proud advisor of the sociology club. He’s a hit on the professor-grading website, with generally positive reviews and even a chili pepper for attractiveness. There’s more to professor Schwarz then his teaching career.
Q: What was your favorite subject in college?
A: I did a lot of social science class, I really enjoyed political science, history, psychology, sociology, it kind of intrigued to study people.
Q: Are you reading any books related to sociology that students might find interesting?
A: I have social institutions old textbook I’m going through, a lot of the material they might not find interesting but for me it is
Q: what do you do when you’re not teaching?
A: I play softball; I have three kids so I stay following them in sports, so I spend a lot of time with my kids and being a fan of them.
Q: What do you think of the comments on rate my professor?
A: I believe that sometimes students may view a professor (course) that is rated "high" on difficulty and not take the course, missing an opportunity to take class with an outstanding professor. When I went to college, I always asked who’s teaching what class because I wanted to know who the professor was and this is a more enhanced way to do it. I like the concept because I like to know who my professors are too and a little bit about them because you never know the situation.
Q: Tell us about the sociology club.
A: I’m really proud of the sociology club, I started it two years ago and it’s basically an outreach group for anyone who wants to join. For example we do pre-school makeovers, we paint walls, spread mulch, fix playgrounds, equipment, reorganize the library, basically giving a makeover to a school that’s in need. The school is selected by family central. They call and tell us which schools are in most need, so we know where to go. Another thing is the trike-a-thon every year at south campus. We work with the day care at south, and we sponsor the St Jude hospital trike a thon. Last year they raised $2500, so we’re trying to get more this year, we have a fog machines, balloons and juice boxes for the kids, so we have projects like that, we have toy drives and book drives for preschool, so I’m really proud of the concept of the group, it changes every year because the students change, but I’m really proud of it. The trike-a-thon is usually the first week in April, it’s an annual thing and any kid can do it.
Q: If you weren’t a professor, what would you be doing?
A: I don’t know because this is what I really love to do, this is where I want to be. Of all the careers I’ve had in the past, roofing, construction, I’ve taught high school, junior high, I can’t imagine being anywhere else, I like this level of education. If I wasn’t this, I’d like to be a motivational speaker because you get to travel and go to colleges and talk about sociology stuff, it’d be fun. I’ve looked online, it’s a lot of courses you’d have to take, a lot of networking going on but you’d have to have something to talk about, so mine would be relationships because of sociology. You have to have a niche. I think that would be really rewarding.
Q: How did you get involved with sociology at BC?
A: It really started with Dr. Sonia Nievez , the associate dean at south campus. she’s the one that hired me, I had interview with her and she got me through the door. I’m so grateful because she changed my whole life.
Q: What made you want to get into sociology?
A:  I wanted to really teach psychology, so I talked the head of the psychology department at central campus and he said there were a lot of psychology professors, so my best bet was to go into the field of anthropology or sociology and I chose sociology and I’m really glad I did because I really like it.
Students who are interested in the sociology club can like them on facebook at Broward College Sociology Club, for more info about the club and upcoming projects. If anyone is interested in taking Professor Schwarz for a humanity credit here are the codes:
Sociology- SYG2000
Human Sexuality-SYG2340
Social Problems- SYG2010
Social Institutions-SYG2441

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