Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ok, so maybe some jokes aren't funny. They're still just jokes, though.

Comedy is supposed to make you laugh, think and laugh some more. It’s obviously not intended to offend people, even though the most offensive type of humor is one of the funniest. So when Daniel Tosh, star of Comedy Central’s show Tosh.0, performed his act at the laugh factory in LA about a week or so ago, one female audience member was very offended, according to reports, she walked out of the club. However, Tosh alleges that she stayed the entire set and complained to the manager after the show.
The joke was about gang rape, the woman in question, who is still anonymous, heckled “Rape is never funny!” and Tosh was reported to have replied “Wouldn’t it be funny if she just got raped right now?” As a young woman rape is a scary thought, so yeah this particular joke upsets me, but because I’m a fan of Tosh and generally adult related humor, I take the good with the bad. I’m not crazy about this joke he made, that’s why he’s got an entire hour to tell jokes of all kinds. He apologized over twitter.

If it wasn't for this anonymous woman, the show would’ve gone on as normal. Tosh isn’t oblivious to his critics, and as a comedian he also takes the good with the bad. The good being sold out shows nationally and over 6.2 million followers on twitter, me included. The bad is that there are some reviews about his show, both stand up and on comedy central, that say how he’s insensitive, condescending and so on.  It doesn't stop him from having a high rated show on a weekly basis. Not to say comedians are innocent when it comes to sensitive issues and controversy. Their job is to push the envelope, to give us a sign that it’s ok to laugh sometimes. Even if it’s as controversial as rape, it’s just a joke. The five seconds of the actual joke being told will pass, followed by about a minute of laughter, and then the comedian moves on with his act. Hypersensitive people do not belong in comedy clubs, where a lot of the material is uncensored.
Comedians have been criticized for ages on their material, whether it’s insensitive, inappropriate or what have you. It’s not like the comedians are singling them out with a spotlight and being offensive to just them. It’s the hypersensitivity that makes comedians push the envelope further; daring us to laugh at something we know we shouldn’t but can’t help it.  And it’s not just stand-up comics that dare us not to laugh. For example, in family guy on Fox, there is a running joke of the pedophile that lives down the street from the Griffins that is in love with Chris. Peter’s best friend quagmire is a sex-addict who’s in love with Lois, Meg is shown to be slightly deranged and obsessive, Stewie himself is bent on killing his mom, in the first few seasons. Comedy Central airs another pop culture controversial related show known as South Park. It’s been on for almost 18 seasons and has been banned in Russia, but still had everyone laughing at the episode that centered on Kanye West, portrayed as belligerent and arrogant for not getting the gay fish joke. I love both Family guy and South park because they aren’t afraid of censorship. If their material is so “wrong”, why are they both renewed for new seasons in the fall?
Imagine a world with complete censorship of jokes. We would be reduced to knock-knock jokes or the ever famous Orange you glad I didn’t say Banana?  I’m not saying if it’s not dirty it’s not funny, I like them, just not as much as the adult jokes, that’s why it’s called adult humor.  How many clean jokes can you come up with that aren’t knock-knock or orange/banana related?
Tosh isn’t the only comedian who’s gotten in trouble with his act. Another incident at the laugh factory happened in November 2006, when Michael Richards, better known as Kramer from 90s sitcom Seinfeld, went on a racist tirade against two African American audience members who heckled him for being unfunny. A similar incident with Tracy Morgan happened just last summer, when he came under fire when he made anti-gay jokes. He apologized as did the Richards and tosh, for what happened. The only difference between the three incidents is that tosh and Richards were being heckled by an audience member, Morgan had already had it in his act. Richards has pretty much dropped off the face of the earth since it happened. Morgan who stars on 30 Rock on NBC is still on TV, and obviously so is Tosh.
One argument that usually comes up is that comedians don’t know how to take criticism, and feminists don’t know how to take a joke. If this was a matter in court and I was the judge, I’d rule in favor of the feminists, because rape isn’t funny, and will never be. As for Tosh, one of my favorite comedians and host of one of my favorite shows, I’d suggest he move as far away from rape jokes as possible because he does have some female fans. Case Dismissed, bring in the dancing lobsters!

I interviewed my sociology professor!

I actually recorded this entire thing on video, but we got off topic and some things that he prefers to be off the record were said, so here's the written part for the school blog, and for the record it was such a fun class, I was sad when it ended. I still got a B overall and an A on my paper on why laughter is the best medicine: (where I talked about southpark's gay fish episode!)

Humanities are required credits to graduating Broward College, so why not take a couple of humanities classes with a professor that makes the entire subject interesting and fun? Professor Jay Schwarz is able to make Sociology, human sexuality, social problems and social institutions more interesting than the name it has. The courses explain people, culture, relationships and why habits form the way they do. Professor Schwarz graduated with a Masters degree from Norwich University in Vermont and is the proud advisor of the sociology club. He’s a hit on the professor-grading website, with generally positive reviews and even a chili pepper for attractiveness. There’s more to professor Schwarz then his teaching career.
Q: What was your favorite subject in college?
A: I did a lot of social science class, I really enjoyed political science, history, psychology, sociology, it kind of intrigued to study people.
Q: Are you reading any books related to sociology that students might find interesting?
A: I have social institutions old textbook I’m going through, a lot of the material they might not find interesting but for me it is
Q: what do you do when you’re not teaching?
A: I play softball; I have three kids so I stay following them in sports, so I spend a lot of time with my kids and being a fan of them.
Q: What do you think of the comments on rate my professor?
A: I believe that sometimes students may view a professor (course) that is rated "high" on difficulty and not take the course, missing an opportunity to take class with an outstanding professor. When I went to college, I always asked who’s teaching what class because I wanted to know who the professor was and this is a more enhanced way to do it. I like the concept because I like to know who my professors are too and a little bit about them because you never know the situation.
Q: Tell us about the sociology club.
A: I’m really proud of the sociology club, I started it two years ago and it’s basically an outreach group for anyone who wants to join. For example we do pre-school makeovers, we paint walls, spread mulch, fix playgrounds, equipment, reorganize the library, basically giving a makeover to a school that’s in need. The school is selected by family central. They call and tell us which schools are in most need, so we know where to go. Another thing is the trike-a-thon every year at south campus. We work with the day care at south, and we sponsor the St Jude hospital trike a thon. Last year they raised $2500, so we’re trying to get more this year, we have a fog machines, balloons and juice boxes for the kids, so we have projects like that, we have toy drives and book drives for preschool, so I’m really proud of the concept of the group, it changes every year because the students change, but I’m really proud of it. The trike-a-thon is usually the first week in April, it’s an annual thing and any kid can do it.
Q: If you weren’t a professor, what would you be doing?
A: I don’t know because this is what I really love to do, this is where I want to be. Of all the careers I’ve had in the past, roofing, construction, I’ve taught high school, junior high, I can’t imagine being anywhere else, I like this level of education. If I wasn’t this, I’d like to be a motivational speaker because you get to travel and go to colleges and talk about sociology stuff, it’d be fun. I’ve looked online, it’s a lot of courses you’d have to take, a lot of networking going on but you’d have to have something to talk about, so mine would be relationships because of sociology. You have to have a niche. I think that would be really rewarding.
Q: How did you get involved with sociology at BC?
A: It really started with Dr. Sonia Nievez , the associate dean at south campus. she’s the one that hired me, I had interview with her and she got me through the door. I’m so grateful because she changed my whole life.
Q: What made you want to get into sociology?
A:  I wanted to really teach psychology, so I talked the head of the psychology department at central campus and he said there were a lot of psychology professors, so my best bet was to go into the field of anthropology or sociology and I chose sociology and I’m really glad I did because I really like it.
Students who are interested in the sociology club can like them on facebook at Broward College Sociology Club, for more info about the club and upcoming projects. If anyone is interested in taking Professor Schwarz for a humanity credit here are the codes:
Sociology- SYG2000
Human Sexuality-SYG2340
Social Problems- SYG2010
Social Institutions-SYG2441

As of right now, this is how I feel about jobs and the job market

Originally posted on my facebook page on April 29 2012 (at 2am ranting about jobs!

Because of some financial and personal issues, I've had to take two semesters off from school to pretty much work two part time jobs. while this helped out with the financial issues, I'm behind one year (dont ask me about how shitty the finaicial aid is at BC) in my quest to get a journalism degree. I knew I was a year behind, but it didn't sink in until I saw my editor in chief at the Observer, say that he graduates this semester and is transferring to FIU to continue his quest for a journalism degree. I'm happy for him, I start school in a week. hooray for summer classes.

to go far, you have to spend the first thirty years of your life in school, atleast that's how I've always seen it. AA, BA, Masters, doctorates, PhDs, all degrees that determine your income, and therefore, your happiness. And your bragging rights at your high school reunion. I'm sure when you were little you thought for sure you were going to be a ballerina or a race car driver or whatever gender cliche you can think of.

when everyone gets older, they see just how much time and money is needed to bring their dream of becoming a doctor or lawyer or even writer a reality. sometimes people get discouraged, nd who can blame them. it's like hiking up to mount Everest, reaching the summit and then learning you've got another 200,000 feet to go before you actually reach the half way point. so they settle.

they continue working at their minimum wage jobs and climb up their crappy corporate ladder and is the boss of a bunch of optimistic and clumsy teenagers. (I think this is how bosses become so bitter.) Then there are people who are so determined to make a better life and future for themselves, the odds of them actually succeeding is about half and half. Even if you don't get the career you originally wanted, a degree is better than no degree at all.

Speaking of minimum wage jobs, let me start by saying the phrase everyone says when they get it; "This is only temporary." time flies faster than you can finish the sentence. Before you know it, a year or five pass and either you've made no progress in the company you're working for and still rely on checks $8.50 an hour, or you quit school completely to "make that money." but doing what? making tacos? (fuck the food service) flipping burgers? funny how when I was younger my parents always said that losers end up making burgers and fries for the rest of their life because of bad decision making, but then urge you to apply at every fucking McDonalds and taco bell in the twenty mile radius.

(If parents hate fry cooks so much, I wonder how Spongebob's parents took the news..then again they probably had bigger things to worry about.) I suppose there are worse jobs out there. No one is dying to be the garbage man's apprentice and it's hard to take mall cops seriously with their big Mountie-looking hats and segues.

I know that a paycheck is better than none, but how long before you realize the job you quit school for is ultimately sucking the life out of you? was it worth it? yeah you were making more money than your other friends who were part time or full time students but once they started their careers, who's the one that's really going to be making the money? I guess what I'm trying to say is yeah, some money is better than no money, but get a job that preserves your time and dignity. they're out there, just look harder.

Ted: The funniest Family Guy episode, ever!

Originally published in my school's blog:
When I saw the name Seth Macfarlane as the producer for this movie, I knew Ted was going to be hilarious from beginning to end, and I was right. Ted is more than an animated movie about a swearing, half-drunk teddy bear, it's a romantic, bromantic comedy sprinkled with some action that will have the stuffiest parents snickering within minutes.
Ted is the result of Christmas wish by John (played by Mark Wahlberg) at 8 years old. 27 years later John becomes a man, sharing an apartment with Ted (voiced by Macfarlane) and his girlfriend of four years, Lori. (Mila Klunis.) Around their four year anniversary, Lori expresses that their relationship won’t grow with Ted living with them (who over the years has become the epitome of a bad influence.) john is reluctant to make his best friend move out, but it doesn't stop him from spending most of his time with him, much to Lori's dismay. Their relationship problems take a backseat when Ted is kidnapped by deranged stalker Donny, (Giovanni Ribisi) who idolized Ted as a kid.
Macfarlane is known for his shows American dad and the Cleveland show on fox but the biggest franchise that has him set for life is family guy.
The entire movie feels like a family guy episode, when you laugh and laugh at the stupidity of a situation as much as the seriousness. It almost seems as if the writing was aimed for the family guy fan base. Much like the animated shows Macfarlane has done, it's got a big band playing music that segues from one scene to the next, other actors that also star in family guy along with Klunis, (Alex borstein,  patrick warburton) random celebrities, (Tom skerritt, Nora Jones, Sam J. Jones, and Ryan Reynolds who is uncredited) some offensive  jokes and drug references are made, and of course, the flashback jokes, all the while maintaining complete originality.
It's been 2 weeks since its debut and according to Ted has grossed over 122 million, the overhyped spiderman reboot is only expected to take in 140 mil by Sunday, maybe it will be a close second to Ted, which had several theaters sold out days in advanced.
Overall, it's as funny as it is heartfelt, dealing with a best friend that's getting married, having to choose between your best friend and girlfriend, the struggles of growing up and the biggest moral of the story, always be careful of what you wish for, because it obviously has consequences.
Ted is now a cautionary tale.

Why Men in Black 3 sucked for me

Originally posted on my school's blog:

What can be said about Men in Black 3? The phrase “third time’s the charm” definitely does not come to mind. This summer is filled with part three movies and remakes, but this one is as predictable as it gets. Yes, this time around it’s a time travel comedy, but just like back to the future, it should’ve ended after the second installment.  There’s a reason why it was so hyped up (with rapper Pitbull writing the song “Back in time”). Looks like Will Smith should look into going back in time from stopping himself from signing onto this movie in the first place.

 After about 14 years in their partnership, Agent J (Smith) feels that Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) is too unemotional and closed off. Then, an Alien (nicknamed Boris the animal) that K fought and arrested back in the 60s breaks out of the moon prison where he was held to travel back in time to kill him so is isn’t arrested and can take over the world. Agent J manages to go back in time using the sources at his job to stop the killing from happening, but not without confusing audience as to how they get from one point in time to another. In the end, he discovers why K is so bitter and the real reason he was recruited into Men in Black in the first place. The phrase ‘with death comes death’, is a pretty obvious hint to audiences and a bit of lazy writing from Hollywood.

  It wasn’t all bad for this MIB fan. There were a few giggles here and there because with the time travel plot, there aren’t many jokes so some can been seen coming a mile away.  There was one genuinely cute alien (to replace the talking pug from the first two) named Griffin (played by Michael Stuhlbarg) who can see different timelines for the future, and is always saying that a single action can change the course of everything. That kind of parallels the confusing plot scenes between Agent J going to the 60s, meeting Andy Warhol and almost interfering with the Apollo launch in 1969. Griffin helps Agent J and a younger Agent K hunt down Boris the animal while offering insight as to why Agent K is so grumpy in the future.

 Sure it beat out Marvel’s Avengers on Memorial Day weekend at number one with 69.3 million, and was number one again about two weeks later, but critics (and some visibly upset and confused moviegoers) were disappointed at the sloppiness of the script and lack of actually funny jokes.
 It was just like the producers said, “we should make everything look, more vintage, but modern, because it’s the 60s.” The weapons might as well have said Made in China in bold, it fails miserably in comparison to the original in humor, script, weapons and originality. It was a needless plug in the franchise, and you can almost tell the actors are relying on the name itself for the paycheck. Just because a movie is released in the summer doesn’t mean that it’s destined for blockbuster records. The money is honestly better spent watching Kristen Stewart’s feign emotions in a non-twilight related role.

Types of bad girlfriends, inspired by a beliber fanatic--not me.

Originally posted in my other blog on June 20 2012

I’m a beliber, a Justin Beiber fan. Alot of girls love him, and alot more people hate him, (why??) but there is this one girl who made a JB fan video that’s going viral on youtube. She’s got another one singing call me maybe, but the one I linked is the first one. She’s insane and this got me thinking about the stuctures of jealous girlfriends. Are they really just looking out for their partners, or are the sociopaths in the making?
The girl isn’t really insane, she’s been accused of trolling, and as far as I know, is nameless. Some comments say she’s an actress or an extra for some show, and if it’s true (because all youtube comments are so accurate) then she’s going to win big one day at the Oscars.
So in my 6 years of dating (I’m 20,) I’ve come across the different types of bad girlfriends, none are as extreme as the fanatic, but they’re each bad on their own. And the way I see it, you either have a crazy girlfriend, know a crazy girlfriend or are a crazy girlfriend.So here are the top 4.

Problem:The Jealous girlfriend: Guys say that if she’s jealous, it means she cares and vice versa, but there’s a fine line between jealous of other girls flirting (in which case she has to be reminded that her partner is friendly and wouldn’t intentionally hurt her,) and constantly texting and calling and physically stalking.
Solution: Like I said, she has to be reminded that nothing will happen, and that her issues are in her head. if she constantly has to be reminded that nothing will happen, it can be lack of trust in the relationship or lack of confidence in herself for thinking she’s not enough to, well, keep her man. if talking doesn’t work, then break up. plain and simple.
Example: My boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend is insanely jealous. it’s almost not fair, and even though I’ve tried talking to her, she seems to know how annoying and stuff she is, but she doesn’t stop. she knows how to play and manipulate her (now ex) boyfriend’s emotions which bring me to my next example.

Problem: The Perpetually Angry girlfriend: If she’s always in a bad mood, remind yourself why you’re with her in the first place because no one likes a downer, even though misery loves company. It’s even worse if everything you do is just completley stupid and wrong in her eyes. If she wan’t always like that (like she’s going through a hard time) then try and be there for her, even if she pushes you away. Be sure you have a limit though, don’t be a punching bag or she will totally take advantage of that.
Solution: Try and plan something special for her, make it known that she’s not alone during whatever she’s going through. If she keeps up her negativity, then give her an ultimatum, either her attitude changes or you leave. No point in wasting time on something that clearly won’t work out.
Example: In the Nickelodeon show Victorious,  good looking couple Beck and Jade always argue, most of the time Jade, the angry goth girl, starts fights, she’s shown to be jealous, possessive and among other things, mean. Anyway, Beck, the hot brooding guy, breaks up with her because he couldn’t take another fighting match. If things don’t change for the better over a period of time, then get out.

ProblemThe Clingy Girlfriend: It’s one thing to kiss someone goodbye like you’ll never see them again, it’s another thing to kiss them like that when they’re going to the bathroom. This is actually the one kind of girl that scares away guys the most, in my opinion (and experience). No one wants anyone that’s clingy and won’t let you breathe air unless you’re taking a huge breath of it before she pulls you back under to keep kissing. it’s too much! you’ll feel smothered, and over time, resentful of her constantly being there. There are somethings in life you have to do alone, like pooping.
Solution: Be completely honest with them and make it clear that their actions are making you uncomfortable. Most of the time, the clingy ones are the most sensitive, so try not to have anyone burst into tears because they feel like you’re rejecting them. In my experience, the clingy-ness comes from either seperation anxiety or abandonment issues of some kind. My only advice is to be honest and get to the bottom of this before she smothers you to death in your sleep. (they tend to be the slightly demented kind, ie: the “If-I-can’t-have-you-no-one-can” mentality..)
Example: I went out on a date with this one guy who was nice enough, but could not stop trying to hold me. It sounds like nothing but  it was kind of annoying. we went to the movies and it was at a theater where the arm rests don’t move, so for half the movie he tried holding me every way possible, and kissing my hands, cheeks and even trying to seduce me alittle (blowing into a girls’ ear is not or will ever be sexy!!) I wondered if it was his first date. we’re still friends but I’m sooo not going out with him again. I missed half the movie!

Problem: The crazy girlfriend: The kind of girlfriend that inspired me to write this post, besides the fan video. she twists your words, tries (and fails) to play your emotions and probably brings up having kids on the first date, among other things. This is a pretty broad label because there are so many different sub-genres of crazy, that some might consider to be normal so the only solution I have is this:
Solution: Aside from using the hot-to-crazy scale invented by Bro Code follower Barney Stinson (How I met your mother) if you feel she’s alittle extreme, let her know in the most gentle way imaginable. this doesn’t mean to take her to Disney world to break up, that is a brutal way to end things and you deserve what you have coming if you do go down that path!
Example: I have a friend, let’s call her Caitlyn. She’s oh so in love with her boyfriend, let’s call him Phil. Phil loves her back, but she loves him way way way more than he does,(it shows because she’s made me watch dozens of videos of him eating the doritos locos taco and feign laughter at his reaction.) anyway, they’ve lived 20 minutes away from each other their entire relationship, they’re both transferring to different schools up north, giving them a choice of long distance or breaking up in the future. until then, Caitlyn refuses to leave his side for more than a day, going as far as paying for a ticket to go see her family in New York for Easter. In my opinion he’s in denial about their relationship, they’re going to do long distance, but because they fight alot over the smallest things (and she still loves him anyway) they’re bound for a break up. she’s crazy about him, and I suspect she’ll be crazier without him. he brought out her obsessive side, and she reminds me of me in high school with my ex, we argued over all the things they did and still do. That’s why I don’t doubt their break up…) anyway if you feel she’s alittle too much into you than you are to her, then break it off, otherwise, you’re Phil. you love her, but you’re not in love with her. don’t think I can’t tell the difference, asshole.

There’s a ton of different girls out there, everyone has their baggage, just find someone willing to help out with it. don’t waste time in an unfixable relationship, because the longer you drag it out, the less likely things will ever be civil between you two again.
Just some friendly advice from the relationship observer.

I'm too sexy for my job--Seriously?

Originally posted in my other blog on May 24 2012

Lauren Odes of New York was fired because apparently her boobs were a huge distraction, but the funny thing is that she was hired at a production assistant at a Manhattan lingerie distributor, according to

Odes accuses her former employers of firing her for not conforming to the religious structures her managers were forcing on her. She says religious because management is Jewish Orthodox. which is weird because Odes is Jewish too, but was still forced to wear some hideous over sized sweater to hide her figure, a bright ugly red robe when she “didn’t comply” again, and was even told to tape down her breasts.

Her Co workers laughed when she wore the bathrobe, (and everyone declined to comment) so she left to shop for something more to their liking, and that’s when she was fired. So now she’s suing.
Her Lawyer? Attention-starving celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred, who was coincidentally hired in 2010 for the same case with the firing of Debrahlee Lorenzana from Citibank for being too hot.

Lorenzana now says she regrets hiring Allred because she’s only around when the paparazzi is. Citibank never settled with her, and she feels bad for Odes because with Allred, she knows she won’t win.
It’s happened to all of us. Well, most of us. It’s happened to me at work. The Annoying Boss–in My case it’s the kiss ass Assistant to the Assistant Manager– taking me to the stock room and telling me my outfit is inappropriate for work, showing too much leg or boob or whatever, but we are supposed to be promoting fashion and accessories.

My coworkers and I think it’s because she’s jealous, she’s in her very late 50s and works with a bunch of hot 19 year olds. Times are changing and having an iPhone doesn’t hide the fact that she reminds me of a spinster with cats and all.

she’s constantly pissing all of my coworkers off, but what can we do? She’s good in corporate’s eyes, even though she’s the store’s succubus. which store? I’ll never tell!

Anyways, my coworker got a verbal warning one day from her because her dress was too tight and short. She threw me under the bus saying that my outfit was worse than hers. I protested, but just to be a bitch, she slapped me with a verbal warning too, even though I was wearing an outfit I’d worn three times before with her and the actual Assistant Manager, and he never said a word. So just to see if he would, I waited about two months before wearing it again and I was right, the verbal warning was just because I was ratted out by my bitchy coworker who I’ve always gotten a bad vibe from. It’s always the women that complain about it.

In general, we shouldn’t be fired for being too sexy. If all women were fired for that, the world would have no celebrities at all! can you imagine? Even in the stone ages, there were drawings of women, probably hot to them at the time.

I know the other argument that if a woman is a boss, she’s a bitch, not as respected and has to constantly prove herself to the rest of her staff, whereas men who are bosses are respected and promoted faster. Just acknowledging the argument for argument’s sake.

This got me thinking about the hit ABC show, Ugly Betty. Yes, her appearance is..unique to say the least, but she’s optimistic and friendly. She knows nothing about fashion and was hired at a major fashion magazine because of her unique looks. Her boss thought a “regular” looking girl would get more work done. Reverse discrimination.

It sucks but we live in a world where looks matter, you’re either genetically gifted or you’re not. Either way, you’re punished for your physical appearance

I'm Gay, I'm comming out--Haha hacked by the best buy employee!!!

 Originally posted in my other blog on May 6 2012

According to ABC news,This guy in Denver, Rich Drewberry, takes his phone to get it fixed at Best buy, when they couldn’t fix it, they gave him a new one, but when he checks it, he’s got a bunch of missed calls, texts, emails and TONS of voicemail. typical when you don’t have a phone, but the amount of it was just really excessive because like i said, it was only a day. so he investigates and found out that when he left his phone, he was still logged in to his facebook, and whoever worked on his phone put “I’m Gay, I’m coming out.” as a status.

First of all, it’s only funny when a friend does it, and even then the friend tags themselves in the status with the title “bestie” or “biffle” or whatever. This was a random act of douchiness. secondly, you’d think he’d be a bit more creative then this. honestly, being gay is almost normal in my world, but the guy wasn’t gay, so he’s saying he was wrongfully outed. It could’ve been worse. The wrongfully outed man said he had alot of personal info on his phone, which I assume means financial stuff. it’s a good thing that worker really was a dumb ass otherwise he would’ve been fucked with that status an identity theft.

Drewberry says he feels humiliated, and he should, since this incident happened over a year ago and he still has to explain himself to acquaintances. (you know how nosy everyone is on facebook) He filed a complaint with the store, and was told the dumb ass employee behind the joke was fired.

He’s not planning to sue, but he’s telling everyone his story because he’s more upset at the fact that Best Buy didn’t have procedures to protect their customer’s privacy. It makes me wonder how many porn sites the geek squad guys come across when they have to de-bug a computer.

Best Buy apparently has a code of ethics agreement they have all employees sign every year detailing the high expectations they have when it comes to handling such sensitive info, but that’s like having someone thoroughly read the terms and conditions iTunes has for every single update. Or like a bible of a text sent from a friend who just has to say every little detail well surpassing the 160 character limit so you get like 7 or 8 texts at a time. I hate that.

Anyways, Best Buy has that agreement, but has not formally apologized to him, Basically, employees are  expected to–out of the goodness of their hearts– not use any sensitive personal info, otherwise they can be fired and sued. why this dude isn’t suing, I don’t know. but it’s not that serious, just another ruined reputation for a cheap laugh is all.

Technology dependence and why (some) customer service reps deserve a raise

Originally posted in my other blog on April 27 2012

My mom lost her iPhone at walmart the other day while I was working (not at walmart, thank god.) She was in a full on panic attack mode when I got home that night, and my brother told me she’s spent the last five and a half hours furiously searching for it and having a few breakdowns.

I had to spend 45 minutes on the phone with AT&T’s customer service before placing an order for a replacement, which was supposed to arrive in the mail in two days. or three days, the woman taking the order and helping us out didn’t sound too thrilled to be working at 11:45 that night. She took my email and said to confirm the link that was sent to me to place he order. three days go by and it turned out that crabby pants spelled my email wrong, (according to the another rep, she was off by about six letters!!) meaning my mom was going to have to go another two days without a phone, which in turn gets her to pretty much curse out the hotter sounding guy for a mistake crabby pants made.

After her tantrum, I had to apologize to the guy because it really wasn’t his fault, and I work with annoying rude customers, and a woman like that would’ve ruined my day. so right before I hung up, in hopes of at least getting a laugh out of him, I said “you guys must get paid a lot to deal with whiny bitches.” he chucked and replied “Nowhere near as much as we should.” and we hung up.

I get that throwing a bit of a tantrum when losing such an expensive phone is reasonable, almost expected, but it’s the amount of information that’s on the phone that is lost that really sends people over the edge. important contacts, memos, schedules,music, pictures, videos, apps that are a direct line to your bank account..that’s what my mom was freaking out about. we pretty much pour our souls into these devices to help us and keep us entertained, forgetting the fact that no matter how well we take care of them, they’re phones that can do anything. we are humans, who lose it once in a while.

As for the customer service industry, I figured there are two kinds of people in that field. a person who shows up, does what is expected and leaves (like someone attaching bolts on an assembly line.) and someone who feigns interest to the best of their ability and tries their hardest. I’m somewhere in between, crabby pants is obviously just another worked in the assembly line, and hot sounding guy might be in the same boat as I am.

Maybe it’s because I’ve pissed off enough customers, (and enough customers have pissed me off) but this job line was meant to help customers not to baby them. Maybe because we’re all so used to having everything (in the sense of information and entertainment) at our finger tips that the thought of us actually working (and not just looking for a specific app) is just overwhelming.
I hate to think that we as a generation have become so lazy that the next iPhone will come with it’s own printer. but I digress.

I’ll end my entry with the following notes:
1) customer service reps are people too!
2) iPhones o any smartphones are totally making us lazier
3) It would help if customer service reps would practice their diction. we may be a country of emigrants(not even sure if that was the correct word–but technology suggested it!) but for the most part, we speak clearly.
4) Customer service reps are NOT GOD!

Congratulations! You've been accepted to UCLA--LOL just kidding, loser!

Originally posted in my other blog on April 27 2012

According to ABC news,  UCLA got the hopes up over 894 high school students nationwide who were actually wait-listed. UCLA has apologized because they know what an anxious time it is for students, after all, their future sits at the bottom of a pile.

This kind of reminds me of the movie “Accepted.” for those of you who live under a rock, it’s about a bunch of high school seniors who got rejected from the colleges they applied to, one in particular only applied to Yale because she was so sure she was going to get in. so the main character makes up his own letter of acceptance to a college he made up just so he wouldn’t disappoint his parents.eventually the lie snowballs because the town’s rejects all get accepted and they expect dorms and professors, books, clubs and everything. It’s pretty decent movie. the sub plot involves the main character’s best friend trying to join a popular frat even though the initiation process is degrading–ASK ME ABOUT MY WIENER!!
Anyway It reminds me of that because when you’re that young, you’r dying to be accepted by anyone. and what they did qualifies as a “Mean Girl” prank,accident or not.
I’m aware I watch a lot of movies.

If I were still in high school, waiting for my acceptance letters, and this happened to me, I think I’d become a shut-in. it’s hard enough to know your letter that decides your future can just as easily get lost in the mail, but to have this happen, just makes it that much worse. what could possibly be going through the minds of those kids? Is this the first of many, many, many rejections?

Being wait-listed is better than not being accepted, but it’s basically a sugar coated “maybe.” I think the kids who were actually wait-listed should get more than an apology. They say it was a human error– code for they know who is responsible– and that this is a moment the kids can learn from, like not to go west for college, not to take everything at face value, and to deal with rejection. It turns out, we’re not all special like our moms told us over the years.

we’re special in the eyes of any mom of course, but in the real world, you’re just another name on a never ending list. I guess we all have to learn that sooner or later.
I hope the kids had good back up schools, because if they don’t and really did get wait-listed, they deserve it.

I’m a firm believer that college isn’t for everyone, I guess that’s why they have technical schools and stuff but most of them are federal jobs,(Law enforcement,mechanic, dental associate or some kind of med school related career.) And with colleges, it’s kind of a popularity contest. would you hire the person who graduated from UF or some tech school that have their own commercials that come on during two-and a half-men re-runs?

From what I’ve seen since I’ve started college, people will have the ambition and drive to do what they love, but will always be overlooked because they don’t have the degree yet. I guess that’s what internships are for. but those are competitive, and until then, they get a temp job, and if they’re different from the rest, they won’t get discouraged but how different their lives have turned out.

so, I’ll end this entry with this:
1) Human errors will happen. atleast they didn’t mess with your meds as a baby.
2) the typical college life everyone wants exists in hollywood, where everything is fake anyway.
3) people who have the life that others work their ass off to have should appreciate it more.
4) Life is essentially a popularity contest.

Barbies and Bullies

Originally posted in my other blog on April 20 2011

There’s been alot of talk in the media today about eating disorders among girls. Maybe it’s because summer is comming up that girls everywhere feel as if the pressure to be thin is resulting in eating disorders.. I don’t know.

Young girls everywhere all say the same thing when they look at any barbie doll; “she’s pretty.” and why wouldn’t she be? she’s got the long blonde hair, blue eyes and a figure that all women would envy.
So this girl, Galia Slayen, is getting attention nationwide becuase of her life-size home made Barbie which stands at 6 ft tall, with a 33 inch bust and 33 in hips, and I certainly wouldn’t want to look like that. she made it for eating disorder awareness. I agree with her, it’s alot of factors in the environment of a girl growing up that contribute to it. (I.E, The padded bikini tops for girls 6 and up)

Another famous girl making headlines for battling the disorder is one of my favorite Disney singers (I don’t have many) Demi Lovato. She was in rehab last year for 3 months after she admitted to cutting herself growing up as she faced her bullies. She said when she asked them why they were mean to her, they said “well, you’re fat.”

It’s a shame to see such a young and very talented girl (who’s my age!!) feel the way she did. Now that Demi’s out of rehab, she’s leaving her disney show “Sonny with a chance” and focussing on her music career becuase being infront of a camera would make her nurvous. I wonder if bullies know how much their words hurt, like seep into our skin and seared into our memories.

 I wonder if they care.

Good teachers are hard to find

Originally posted in my other blog on April 17, 2011

sooo my 8th grade math teacher who was also my favorite teacher got arrested for sending sexually explicit texts to one of my classmates last year when I was a senior at my high school.
It sounds weird, because I said he was my 8th grade teacher, but he moved up to teachin math at my high school after 8th grade, and he was the nicest teacher, very relatable, very funny and very paitent with kids like me who prefer dictionaries over calculators.

It’s weird to think he’s been seeing one of the girls (according to the news it was 2 girls) and sexting them..gross!

He’s a dad, with a daughter, and was the most popular teachers at the school. He was the one who stood up for me when I was taunted–for what, I don’t exactly remember–by the mean girls in middle school.
According to the police reports, his wife saw a message and pretty much ruined his career from there, although, he ruined it all with the first text to whoever the girls were, which was sad because I remember him always quoting the bible and telling funny stories about his wife and daughter. He claims to have sent the messages by mistake but refused to hand over his cell phone history.

I had alot of respect for him, and he signed my senior scrapbook, what a shame.

padded bikini tops for kids && pre-teens..really?

Originally posted on my first blog on March 31 2011

So, I’m watching the news and I see that Abercrombie and Fitch have started their sale for their summer bathing suit line. I personally am a girl of curves, curves of which Abercrombie doesn’t exactly have the support in the clothing for me to wear, so I start to lose interest in the news report until the headline catches my eye.
Abercrombie has alot of angry parents for selling push up padded bikini tops for kids and pre teens, sparking major outrage for this fashion faux pas.
It’s obvious that girls growing up in today’s society are under a tremendous amount of pressure, and it hasn’t exactly improved since I was a kid either. The only difference now is that some curves like JLo’s are finally accepted..somewhat…
In the company’s defense, it actually started off as a padded push up bra for kids, but then changed the design for baithing suits. Nice Save.
There’s nothing wrong with trying to feel sexy, it’s just wrong when you’re still playing with Barbies.