Comedy is supposed to make you laugh, think and laugh some more. It’s obviously not intended to offend people, even though the most offensive type of humor is one of the funniest. So when Daniel Tosh, star of Comedy Central’s show Tosh.0, performed his act at the laugh factory in LA about a week or so ago, one female audience member was very offended, according to reports, she walked out of the club. However, Tosh alleges that she stayed the entire set and complained to the manager after the show.
The joke was about gang rape, the woman in question, who is still anonymous, heckled “Rape is never funny!” and Tosh was reported to have replied “Wouldn’t it be funny if she just got raped right now?” As a young woman rape is a scary thought, so yeah this particular joke upsets me, but because I’m a fan of Tosh and generally adult related humor, I take the good with the bad. I’m not crazy about this joke he made, that’s why he’s got an entire hour to tell jokes of all kinds. He apologized over twitter.
If it wasn't for this anonymous woman, the show would’ve gone on as normal. Tosh isn’t oblivious to his critics, and as a comedian he also takes the good with the bad. The good being sold out shows nationally and over 6.2 million followers on twitter, me included. The bad is that there are some reviews about his show, both stand up and on comedy central, that say how he’s insensitive, condescending and so on. It doesn't stop him from having a high rated show on a weekly basis. Not to say comedians are innocent when it comes to sensitive issues and controversy. Their job is to push the envelope, to give us a sign that it’s ok to laugh sometimes. Even if it’s as controversial as rape, it’s just a joke. The five seconds of the actual joke being told will pass, followed by about a minute of laughter, and then the comedian moves on with his act. Hypersensitive people do not belong in comedy clubs, where a lot of the material is uncensored.
If it wasn't for this anonymous woman, the show would’ve gone on as normal. Tosh isn’t oblivious to his critics, and as a comedian he also takes the good with the bad. The good being sold out shows nationally and over 6.2 million followers on twitter, me included. The bad is that there are some reviews about his show, both stand up and on comedy central, that say how he’s insensitive, condescending and so on. It doesn't stop him from having a high rated show on a weekly basis. Not to say comedians are innocent when it comes to sensitive issues and controversy. Their job is to push the envelope, to give us a sign that it’s ok to laugh sometimes. Even if it’s as controversial as rape, it’s just a joke. The five seconds of the actual joke being told will pass, followed by about a minute of laughter, and then the comedian moves on with his act. Hypersensitive people do not belong in comedy clubs, where a lot of the material is uncensored.
Comedians have been criticized for ages on their material, whether it’s insensitive, inappropriate or what have you. It’s not like the comedians are singling them out with a spotlight and being offensive to just them. It’s the hypersensitivity that makes comedians push the envelope further; daring us to laugh at something we know we shouldn’t but can’t help it. And it’s not just stand-up comics that dare us not to laugh. For example, in family guy on Fox, there is a running joke of the pedophile that lives down the street from the Griffins that is in love with Chris. Peter’s best friend quagmire is a sex-addict who’s in love with Lois, Meg is shown to be slightly deranged and obsessive, Stewie himself is bent on killing his mom, in the first few seasons. Comedy Central airs another pop culture controversial related show known as South Park. It’s been on for almost 18 seasons and has been banned in Russia, but still had everyone laughing at the episode that centered on Kanye West, portrayed as belligerent and arrogant for not getting the gay fish joke. I love both Family guy and South park because they aren’t afraid of censorship. If their material is so “wrong”, why are they both renewed for new seasons in the fall?
Imagine a world with complete censorship of jokes. We would be reduced to knock-knock jokes or the ever famous Orange you glad I didn’t say Banana? I’m not saying if it’s not dirty it’s not funny, I like them, just not as much as the adult jokes, that’s why it’s called adult humor. How many clean jokes can you come up with that aren’t knock-knock or orange/banana related?
Tosh isn’t the only comedian who’s gotten in trouble with his act. Another incident at the laugh factory happened in November 2006, when Michael Richards, better known as Kramer from 90s sitcom Seinfeld, went on a racist tirade against two African American audience members who heckled him for being unfunny. A similar incident with Tracy Morgan happened just last summer, when he came under fire when he made anti-gay jokes. He apologized as did the Richards and tosh, for what happened. The only difference between the three incidents is that tosh and Richards were being heckled by an audience member, Morgan had already had it in his act. Richards has pretty much dropped off the face of the earth since it happened. Morgan who stars on 30 Rock on NBC is still on TV, and obviously so is Tosh.
One argument that usually comes up is that comedians don’t know how to take criticism, and feminists don’t know how to take a joke. If this was a matter in court and I was the judge, I’d rule in favor of the feminists, because rape isn’t funny, and will never be. As for Tosh, one of my favorite comedians and host of one of my favorite shows, I’d suggest he move as far away from rape jokes as possible because he does have some female fans. Case Dismissed, bring in the dancing lobsters!