Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Betty Smithey's release only brings out questions

According to ABC News (that was featured on Yahoo's homepage), Betty Smithey, the nation's longest serving female inmate was sentenced to life back in 1963 for killing a 15 month old baby on new years day.

Photo credit over here

First off, I know how annoying babies can be after a few hours, but to kill one? I can't imagine what she was thinking right before she stopped a life that barely begun, let alone the aftermath that followed. Smithey had a history of mental illness when the indecent happened, which makes me wonder why anyone would leave their infant daughter (by the name of Sandy Gerberick) with someone who is mentally unstable on New Years Eve.

Originally, she was sentenced to life without parole, but she kept appealing even though at the time Arizona law said only an acting governor can grant clemency to an inmate, which is what acting-governor Jan Brewer did by lowering her sentence to 48-years to life.

She told the board of executive clemency that a letter of forgiveness the victim of the mother sent her 19 years after the murder inspired her to turn her life around.

If that doesn't what will? and I think the mother of poor Sandy probably hated herself for leaving her infant with her, in fact it's not even mentioned if they were related or even acquainted. It's been half a century and the details of her case aren't mentioned in the media, which just furthers the many unanswered questions, the biggest one being that maybe it's for her own protection?

Well, her release is getting mixed reactions from America. Everything from "wow I can't believe she survived in prison for so long for such a horrible crime!" to "wow she killed a baby, she should have stayed in there for life!" and with that, many arguments questioning the system and whatnot.

Personally, the blame is on both Betty and Sandy's Mother. but if the family of the victim can find it in their hearts to forgive the murderer, then maybe, there's a bit hope left for the vicious and grudge holding world we live in.

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