The two women running the seminar are authors and sexologists (how do you major in sex? can you minor in it as well?) named Dr. Joni Frater and Esther Lastique, who held nothing back when it came to having safe sex and the different steps both guys and girls can take to protect themselves, from condoms to getting tested after every sexual encounter, because as Esther believes, you can never be tested too many times. Their goal from the start was to erotically enlighten everyone. Knowledge is sexy!
Isn't this cute? It's squishy! |
It was entertaining to watch and Drs. Frater and Lastique knew how to engage the audience by having kind of like an icebreaker at the beginning to see what we know and what we don't, who we got our facts from if we didn't or couldn't ask an adult we trusted growing up. Those who participated were thrown a hand grenade, but it's like those hand held stress release things. My number one source of information was my mom, and one of the things that's always stood out to me most was one of the first things she told me, which was not to use two condoms at once, which earned me a grenade for participation. Thanks, Mom!
This seminar actually taught me a few new things when it came to protection and prevention, like how Oil based lubricants can make a normal latex condom pop in ten seconds (what?!) because the oil messes with the latex, causing it to expand and break--something that no one wants to happen to them. So we as students were advised to use water-based lubricants. Frankly, lubes gross me out, but no subject was left un-discussed with these ladies.
Esther holding a condom for the room to see. |
Obviously college kids party hard, so just like there's MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) there's the girl-rule of "Friends don't let friends sleep with creepy guys." The "official" rule was different, but I've had this rule with my best friend and club-buddy Carolyn when we would go on a girls-night out. Any substance that's considered fun normally ends up impairing your reflexes and decision making, so when you're drunk (or high!) and you want to do stuff, a condom would (most likely) be the last thing on their (and your) mind in the heat of it all. One thing they emphasized a lot about was that the pull-out method doesn't work at all, and can get the girl pregnant.
When they started to talk about condoms and genital care, their slideshow actually showed the actual guys'junk (some dude off the internet) and Joni demonstrated how to properly put on and dispose condoms. Apparently flushing them down the toilet is a huge no-no because it messes with the plumbing. who knew.
They also gave us a tip to make condoms feel better for guys who complain how it feels weird or bad, which was to use a water-based dime sized amount of lube on the inside of the condom for the guys. Again, who knew.
When it came to the female condom, I learned how awkward it looks without it even being in use, and honestly, those things made me think of a weird disfigured toothless mouth that some guy will look at and not want his junk anywhere near. It's clearly not for everyone. They also discussed dental dams, which is basically a latex sheet for oral sex, the only down side is that it's latex,not really see through, so you're navigating blindly. They suggested to use Saran Wrap, the actual sandwich wrapping brand because it's the only brand that doesn't have tiny microscopic holes in the plastic. Once again, Who knew.
Among the other things covered were non-latex condoms for those who are allergic, the scary statistics about STDs and HPV and how we as students should be more sexually responsible, because after all, not everyone deserves to get what we have.
BC offers free STD testing for students and they don't need to draw blood with needles. They can swab the inside of your mouth, for those of you who are too chicken to take the needle but are brave enough to sleep with someone one night and do your walk-of-shame down to the clinic in the morning.
Personally, if anything at all looks suspicious, it's not going to happen, or supposed to happen. There's a planned parenthood on University Drive, right by south campus, and another one by central and north if you want to get tested but missed the dates to do it. Those who are doing the walk-of-shame, your results can be anonymous if worse come to worse.
Apparently, Joni and Esther go around the country doing this, and even said they go to "America's Heartland" which is pretty much the country area between the fast paced east coast and the (probably just as fast paced) west coast and hear some crazy stories about how little those bible thumping country idiots (my words, not theirs!) know about sex and stuff.
The amount of people who don't know the basics and are fully grown adults make me wonder why the hell haven't they tried to educate themselves. It's not hard, it's all over the internet and in several books. Infact, for more information on these awesome ladies and more safe sex tips, click here to educate yourself. Remember, knowledge is sexy!
So here are a couple of things I can say I learned from this sassy and funny boot camp
1) Oil and Latex don't mix.
2) They don't need your potentially infected blood to know if you have an STD, the warts say it all
3) Condoms can really mess up the plumbing--try explaining that to your mom!
4) Out of the 6 million new cases of genital HPV per year, 74% of them are 15-20 year-olds
5) Female condoms kill boners, so I guess it's doing its job..
6) flavored condoms are mostly scented
7) You can recycle Saran Wrap to your pleasure
8) Lambskin condoms have microscopic holes that can allow fluid through, so that sucks.
9) The average penis is 5.5 inches, so most men don't need magnums
10) One method of birth control that's 100% effective is abstinence
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