Saturday, October 20, 2012

So you hooked up with someone from work...Here's what you do!

For the record, I have a boyfriend. Josh and I will celebrate 2 years next month, but my Editor-in-chief Kyle wrote an opinion about the "horrors of college dating" for our latest Observer issue, and it got me thinking about what happens when people just date. The hook ups and promises to call, but don't even get a text...Anyways, I stand by what you're about to read.

There's always going to be that one hot guy or girl at the office. Their personality may or may not be douchey, and if it is douchey and they're hot enough, it won't matter. How do I know? It's happened to me. Not the hooking up, but having a co-worker that's cute but he knows it and is full of themselves. I've yet to find a guy who's sweet and looks good, (that works at the office! not that it matters, but you know.) but a lot of guys are sadly full of themselves. (Yay for Josh for being different!)

Most of the times with these situations, physical attraction plays a big role in what happens, not to mention time and place. Plus there's that whole "forbidden desire" thing. A hook up can range from a kiss to going all the way, but what happens is ultimately up to you.

By what I've been told by my anonymous source (a girl who likes to gossip in my Psychology class, Let's call her "Crystal") the "aftermath" of a hook up can go either good or bad, depending if the hook up itself was good or bad. That right there is half lie. It's not just if the hook up was good or bad, it also depends on the boy or girl. So after the first kiss (whether it be at an office party drunk, group outing with friends (drunk) or whatever,) two things can come to mind, either "yay" or "ugh what the fuck did he/she eat?!"

If it went like my friend's experience, she described it as a breath taking, the universe stopped and she suddenly felt like she was living the perfect fairy tale moment where the music swells and they live happily ever after. This was of course weeks ago and she still recalls how the guy, let's call him "Ross", would leave her wishing it would never end.

But with the good also comes the bad. He said he'd text her after his shift, and he didn't, so she texted him, and had several days of not answering and him avoiding the shit out of her at work. Where was the prince charming with the perfect "kiss"? Our theory (we talk a lot in psychology) was that he never existed.
He wanted her, got her (twice because she initiated it the second time) and he left. It hasn't happened again, in fact "Ross" is acting like it never happened, which really bothered her because how can someone fake such a moment of pure bliss?

It's crazy to think these kinds of emotions were brought on by just a kiss, but here's a secret, "kiss" is a euphemism in this context. Yeah so this just got extremely personal for my friend and "Ross", who turned out to be just another horny bastard.

Here's some unbiased background on "Ross". Handsome enough, still in college, majoring in something I don't remember, a horrible human being and an obvious party boy who has probably broken dozens of hearts before hers. He's not a horrible human being, but players might as well be. If a guy knows that a girl's heart is not a toy, why do they keep treating it like one?

Anyways, now it's super awkward for her and "Ross" at work. It's as if it never happened, and she's suspicious that everyone knows about their indiscretion, not to mention the ego she's never noticed before on him. Take notice, boys, we hate egos. They were never that close before the incident, they just worked together. There was this one night where he called her randomly to try and get her to send naked pictures to him but she (made the right decision because she's got COMMON SENSE!) said No, and even after that happened, he acted like in never happened.

Clearly "Ross" is an asshole who only wanted one thing, and he got it twice. Poor "Crystal" is still heart broken and even secretly hopes he'll change and want her, but I told her not to get her hopes up, because logically, he's probably not going to come back for round three, especially if he knows how much she wants him to and how much she's hurting.

Now she'll act like it never happened, because according to "Ross" it was just a "go-with-the-flow" moment that won't happen again.

That's one way of dealing with he aftermath. Another way (that won't work because "Ross" is too immature to talk things out, even with a twice-in-one-night stand) would be to just be direct and confront them, even if they're being assholes. This goes for guys too, if we hook up and ignore you, it was because either it was good but it can't happen again or we'll actually be direct with you and tell you what's up or it was bad and it can't happen again. Let's be real, if it was good, we as girls save the number in our phones.

If the guy turns out to be another "Ross", then forget about him. He was lucky enough to have you before, and if it wasn't for him being such a dick, maybe there would be some kind of future there. Another word of advice is NOT to go for someone who's hot and cold, because that's just asking for trouble.

 Don't be like "Crystal" and cling to something in the past, because while you're thinking of what you both shared, he's thinking of what line to use on the next unsuspecting girl. Ultimately, They're not worth it.

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