For the record, I have a boyfriend. Josh and I will celebrate 2 years next month, but my Editor-in-chief Kyle wrote an opinion about the "horrors of college dating" for our latest Observer issue, and it got me thinking about what happens when people just date. The hook ups and promises to call, but don't even get a text...Anyways, I stand by what you're about to read.
There's always going to be that one hot guy or girl at the office. Their personality may or may not be douchey, and if it is douchey and they're hot enough, it won't matter. How do I know? It's happened to me. Not the hooking up, but having a co-worker that's cute but he knows it and is full of themselves. I've yet to find a guy who's sweet and looks good, (that works at the office! not that it matters, but you know.) but a lot of guys are sadly full of themselves. (Yay for Josh for being different!)
Most of the times with these situations, physical attraction plays a big role in what happens, not to mention time and place. Plus there's that whole "forbidden desire" thing. A hook up can range from a kiss to going all the way, but what happens is ultimately up to you.
By what I've been told by my anonymous source (a girl who likes to gossip in my Psychology class, Let's call her "Crystal") the "aftermath" of a hook up can go either good or bad, depending if the hook up itself was good or bad. That right there is half lie. It's not just if the hook up was good or bad, it also depends on the boy or girl. So after the first kiss (whether it be at an office party drunk, group outing with friends (drunk) or whatever,) two things can come to mind, either "yay" or "ugh what the fuck did he/she eat?!"
If it went like my friend's experience, she described it as a breath taking, the universe stopped and she suddenly felt like she was living the perfect fairy tale moment where the music swells and they live happily ever after. This was of course weeks ago and she still recalls how the guy, let's call him "Ross", would leave her wishing it would never end.
But with the good also comes the bad. He said he'd text her after his shift, and he didn't, so she texted him, and had several days of not answering and him avoiding the shit out of her at work. Where was the prince charming with the perfect "kiss"? Our theory (we talk a lot in psychology) was that he never existed.
He wanted her, got her (twice because she initiated it the second time) and he left. It hasn't happened again, in fact "Ross" is acting like it never happened, which really bothered her because how can someone fake such a moment of pure bliss?
It's crazy to think these kinds of emotions were brought on by just a kiss, but here's a secret, "kiss" is a euphemism in this context. Yeah so this just got extremely personal for my friend and "Ross", who turned out to be just another horny bastard.
Here's some unbiased background on "Ross". Handsome enough, still in college, majoring in something I don't remember, a horrible human being and an obvious party boy who has probably broken dozens of hearts before hers. He's not a horrible human being, but players might as well be. If a guy knows that a girl's heart is not a toy, why do they keep treating it like one?
Anyways, now it's super awkward for her and "Ross" at work. It's as if it never happened, and she's suspicious that everyone knows about their indiscretion, not to mention the ego she's never noticed before on him. Take notice, boys, we hate egos. They were never that close before the incident, they just worked together. There was this one night where he called her randomly to try and get her to send naked pictures to him but she (made the right decision because she's got COMMON SENSE!) said No, and even after that happened, he acted like in never happened.
Clearly "Ross" is an asshole who only wanted one thing, and he got it twice. Poor "Crystal" is still heart broken and even secretly hopes he'll change and want her, but I told her not to get her hopes up, because logically, he's probably not going to come back for round three, especially if he knows how much she wants him to and how much she's hurting.
Now she'll act like it never happened, because according to "Ross" it was just a "go-with-the-flow" moment that won't happen again.
That's one way of dealing with he aftermath. Another way (that won't work because "Ross" is too immature to talk things out, even with a twice-in-one-night stand) would be to just be direct and confront them, even if they're being assholes. This goes for guys too, if we hook up and ignore you, it was because either it was good but it can't happen again or we'll actually be direct with you and tell you what's up or it was bad and it can't happen again. Let's be real, if it was good, we as girls save the number in our phones.
If the guy turns out to be another "Ross", then forget about him. He was lucky enough to have you before, and if it wasn't for him being such a dick, maybe there would be some kind of future there. Another word of advice is NOT to go for someone who's hot and cold, because that's just asking for trouble.
Don't be like "Crystal" and cling to something in the past, because while you're thinking of what you both shared, he's thinking of what line to use on the next unsuspecting girl. Ultimately, They're not worth it.
This movie is not for the faint of heart, it’s made several people become nocturnal days after seeing it.Sinister is the most appropriate movie title for this chilling film. If you look past the obviously edited-for-the-sake-of-the-plot shots, it’s a visually graphic and intense movie from the very beginning that can get anyone either ready for Halloween or sleeping with all the lights on.
The Movie is centered on a True-Crime Novelist Ellison, (played by Ethan Hawke) who makes the brilliant decision to move his family to a house where a family was brutally murdered in months before. Things of course start to get strange when Hawke’s Character finds old super-8 films that are labeled as innocent home movies, like “Hangin’ out”, “BBQ” and “House painting ‘12”. Spoiler alert, every home movie shown is a movie of how the previous family was murdered. While watching the movies he discovers a couple of strange symbols in the films and a demonic figure along with them. As the movie goes on, the symbols turn out to be a part of a pagan spirit named Bughuul, who eats children’s souls. As Hawke’s character finds out more about the demon, his kids begin to act strange, particularly his daughter.
If it wasn’t obvious before, this movie does NOT have a happy ending. In terms of the immense graphic violence and having an intense fear of silence during scenes when it’s just an 8mm projector and the audience, this is one of the movies that really stick to your mind long after you leave the theatre. It came in third place opening weekend with 18 million, behind Argo and Taken 2.
There were a few Horror movie clichés here and there that took away from the plot throughout the movie. Moving to a haunted house, the main character being unfazed by all the grim crimes and details of the deaths of the families, and of course the paranormal entities having some sort of interaction with innocent children, just to name a few. Nothing popped up in the middle of darkness, but complete silence had movie goers squirming in their seats as they anticipated the face of Bughuul to show, which will be etched into the memories of the audiences forever. The ending and beginning of the movie is similar, except the “home movie” shown makes the audience believe that they will be BugHuul’s next victims. Everyone is urged to either stock up on nightlights or RedBulls to avoid being next, even in the comfort of your nightmares.
What happens in Daytona stays in Daytona! Not really, I got alot of stuff on video and what do you expect when a conference is held at a hotel on the beach and it's all expenses paid? We party like Journalists. so this is what happened from what I can Remember....
There were five of us. Kyle, our editor-in-cheif, Gustavo, the managing editor (second in command) Rogianne, the south campus bureau chief, Alexa, our design editor and Me, the features editor. The plan was to meet early in the morning on south campus, and our Advisor Jen would drive the rental car down from west palm where she lives. That plan quickly went to hell when 1) both the guys were late to meet us and 2) the car wouldn't start in Jen's drive way.
Kyle was the last to arrive, but Gustavo had overslept, so we piled into Kyle's death trap of a car and drove over to Gustavo's to wake him up. After a few minutes of waiting and a fun pic with the girls infront of his house, the girls piled into Kyle's car. Since I'm not exactly comfortable in it, I rode (and bonded) with Gustavo to Jen's in west palm, where she figured out what was wrong with the car (absolutely nothing, the car key was plastic and clunky and she didn't know how to turn it on, the woman she called for help didn't understand the problem and neither did Jen's husband. Everything was good by the time we got there.)
It was 9:45 by the time we finally left Jen's in the van and to prepare ourselves for the long ride up, we entertained ourselves. It was awesome, because it felt like we were going to disney world, but it was the "Florida College System Publication Association's 53rd Annual Awards Conference in Daytona. The title is a mouthful so it's FCSPA for short. anyways we did this. Kyle is the one on the phone, Gustavo is next to him, Rogianne is next to me and Alexa is in the passenger seat.
If you couldn't tell, Kyle pranked called some girl from Gustavo's job about her degree at FIU. always the Prankster. These guys are like Pauly-D and Vinny, bros til the end, completly inseperable. So adorable!
The rest of the trip up was pretty chill, and by the time we got to the Hotel, we missed the welcoming. The day was still early, so after checking out my awesome room and eveyone else's we went our separate ways until dinner, after all, we just spent like four hours in a mini van. we got our name tags and journalistic goody bags Alexa and I went across the street so could get cheap and cute flip flops. The shop was adorable and pretty cheap. We met with Rogi at the pool after checking out (and nearly being knocked over) the beautiful powdery white sandy beach that was right outside my window, then we hung out in the indoor fancy jaccuzzi. This is when things get kind of college-y. After the Dinner with a bunch of other community college newspapers, we (as in the staff and I) went up to the guys' room (because they shared a room and all the girls got their own room!) and found out what the guys did while we were at the pool and beach. They were buying tons of cheap beer. That's right, how many underaged drinkers were in that room? Three out of Five, and I won't say which three, or post the massive collection of emptied bottles from the two night trip. That's on Gustavo's instagram. I can almost taste the bitter, foamy beverage settling on my tounge the more I think about it. Bud Lite is the drink I'll forever associate with Daytona. I eventually made it back to my own room and found myself feeling a bit homesick, since the only thing I had brought from home was the stuffed spock Josh got me. Tipsy thoughts left me thinking about life, love and what would've happened if there was one of those awkward office hook ups happening. We don't work in an office, but still.AWKWARD!! DAY TWO
My alarm went off at 8am, but after remebering just how much everyone drunk the night before, I didn't expect anyone to be up. Turns out I was the last one up and out of my room. I tried to eat breakfast with everyone across the street at Denny's but I got there late and only snacked on Gustavo's toast before the first workshop of the day, which happened to be held by a Multi-media Journalist from the Orlando Sentinel. It was absolutely gorgeous outside, but we had to be inside for th workshops the majority of the day.
If you can't see the picture, it's me holding the microphone from the speaker, which says Orlando Sentinel. That dude was awesome and finally gave me an official title for my career, which is Multi-Media Journalist, because I would love to work for an online newsoutlet, like Yahoo! or The Huffington Post, things like that. the speaker talked about all the kooky and fun things he reports, like a star wars convention, a bacon-off, which is exactly what it sounds like, and other fun features stuff. I didn't see much of the group on the second day. I was still slightly hungover from the first night and everyone wanted to attended different workshops, like Alexa for Design, Kyle for some kind of group exercise, Rogi for something I can't even remeber, and Gustavo for sports reporting. We got a pretty gross boxed-lunch, and mingled with other colleges. I didn't eat it, making me hungrier, crankier and desparate for a nap, so I ditched the Editor's roudtable (which was all the editors that came get together and discuss their problems, share Ideas, and network.) for take out breakfast (The grand slam for 6 bucks!) from Denny's across the street and a four hour nap before the big dinner and awards banquet.
I wore my new dress thanks to the wetseal, and that was the 10th floor hallway. My room was way at the end, like the shining. Kyle wore a replica of Michale Jackson's Beat it video, and he wore it with pride as he went and accepted most of the awards that we won, which inclluded first place for best design and general Excellence. it was a great night for BC. Kyle even did the spin when he accepted the first award. His fearlessness is something to admire, and his sanity throughout somethings is something to question. I'll totally miss him when he graduates.
There was a dance held for us and it was nice to just dance and let go with everyone, even if there were some bad dance moves here and there. At the same time as the dance, the hotel held a kareoke night, so after a long-island iced tea--courtesy of a very nice guy who from Palm Beach State College--Rogi, Alexa and I sang the oh SO popular kareoke song, Don't stop Believing by Journey. I like to think I wasn't all that messed up. The girls had my back.
The guy holding my phone was named Scott, we never got his last name. we did, however, nickname him McLovin, from Superbad. From what I remember, he said he'd only joined the paper two weeks ago and was offered this awesome trip. I don't even remember what college he was from! I hate to say it, but as much as I responsibly drank with my co-workers, I don't remember much else, other than mingling with our rivals from Miami Dade college, who ended up being really gracious about the dozens of awards they won comapred to us. Two girls fromThe Reporter, Claudia and Chelsea,actually hung out with the guys, and I tagged along simply to finish my beer because kareoke made me thirsty, and we totally hit it off. Not sure how the guys felt about it, but I didn't care when it was happening and I don't care now. It sucks that the theory girls talk was proven, but Women talk way more. At the stroke of 2am, I left the party in the guy's room, simply because of a famous and true quote from How I met your Mother, Nothing good ever happens after 2AM. So I went to my room and set my alarm for 8am again because we were supposed to be meeting in the lobby to leave at 9.
I woke up at 7:45 surprisingly well-rested, but I shifted over and saw my suitcase and all my clothes scattered on the bed closer to the window. I wanted to feel more at home, so there was a mess on the floor on one half of the room. I got up, showered and started packing because I really wanted to see the goregeous beach one more time before being stuffed into the van and going back down home, which I was excited to do because I had plans with Josh, but I didn't want to leave this all expenses paid paradise.
Yes, I bought 5 pairs of shoes and like 7 different outfits, even though there were two shirts I didn't wear. repacking everything plus the flatiron in the bathroom was hard, but I found saturday Morning Cartoons, so I felt right at home again. I was ready to go home. You don't see much from the pictures because the actual pictures are kind of big, so I made them smaller. Eventually I finished everything and got to take in the sights one last time. I met up with everyone who was oddly quiet, and for a second, I panicked and thought I made a huge ass of myself, but I saw Claudia from the night before and she told me what happened after I'd left. again, Women Talk. and Laugh hysterically. I won't say what was said, but I'm glad she was safe with her situation. We traded numbers, and I'm still going to try and find her on Facebook, later. After that little hilarious conversation, I made my way to the beach and took these:
We finally piled into the mini van and head home, and although I didn't anticipate the amount of homesickness I'd have, I didn't want to leave. No one was coming back next year because everyone would've graduated by then. It was an intresting learning and bonding experience. We won awards, found out who's a bigger partier and got some tips on how to design an even better newspaper.
I actually got a chance to see the funny movie at sawgrass almost two weeks ago, thanks to the preview screening. I can't get the cups song out of my head!
At a glance, Pitch Perfect may seem like someone took the
concept of Glee and made it into a movie. Well that initial assumption is wrong
because unlike Glee, that features high school kids singing through their
everyday problems, the movie centers around a cappella college level competitions
between the boys top singing group appropriately called the treblemakers (one
of the many puns in the movie) and the
girls group called the Bellas(LOL at the fact that Kendrick's first movie was in twilight with that whiney character Bella... )It’s like glee in the sense that they’re singing
the musical’s hits, the group has a collections of freaks, geeks and weirdo’s, and
there is one obnoxious (but undeniably talented) star who lives and breathes
songs that are decades old.
But unlike Glee, the lead Beca, excellently played by Anna
Kendrick (And Can I just say I love the makeup done for her the entire movie?! Bravo!) reluctantly joins the Bellas after being cornered (Literally) by co-captain Chole,
played by Brittany Snow with a flattering red dye job. Beca offers a new take
on the old music the Bellas sing, and while everyone else is on board, co-captain
Aubrey, played by Anna Camp, insists that traditional songs from the 70s is the
way to go. The movie is a funny look inside the cut throat college a cappella
world. The Bella’s top rule is not to fraternize with the enemy, which would be
the very handsome trebles, (and Beca’s love interest) Jesse, played by Skylar
Astin, and the captain of the treblemakers (haha!), Adam DeVine, who also stars in Comedy Central's post college slacker comedy 'Workaholics'
There’s more to the movie than just competition, it touches
on issues such as love, trust, restoring a reputation and acceptance, something
that both Beca and Aubrey fight for. The movie also features fresh faces, most
notably the break out star Rebel Wilson who plays the crass and hilarious Fat
Amy. Wilson had a small role in 2011’s bridesmaids.
The premise is a bit tired, getting the rag tag group of
well-meaning a cappella singers ready to compete against the boys group, while battling
within their own group. Even though the montage of both groups doing ridiculous,
meticulous and just funny workouts last about three minutes, you know there is
only one group who will humiliate themselves on stage. one way they keep eachother on their toes is competing in a Riff-Off
It’s got that adult sense of humor mixed with lame-but-funny
puns with America’s top 40 soundtracks. The singing wasn’t auto-tuned and no
one lip synched, it was pure talent on the screen. It did considerably good
during its limited release in 335 locations nationwide before it’s released all
over on Oct. 5th. It’s a move a studio like universal has never
done, but the move proved profitable results with 5.2 million over the weekend.
Some of the songs covered were Kelly Clarkson’s since u been gone, and Rhianna’s Don’t stop the music, along with the mesmerizing
mash-up of Bruno Mars' 'Just the way you are' and Nelly's 'Just a dream'. The
soundtrack has four and a half stars already on iTunes and is worth the money
if anyone is into fun, danceable music.
Overall Pitch Perfect
had its genuinely funny moments thanks to mega- scene stealer Rebel Wilson and
Anna Kendrick’s sarcasm against Anna Camp’s pristine attitude, which can very
well give glee’s Rachel some serious competition.